Operation Renovation 2015

It’s a new year and we are doing some renovating in the Smith Home so pardon our dust!  I want to work my way backwards this year and it seems only fitting since we still haven’t taken down the Christmas tree.

I tried to do a themed Christmas for 2014 but never got around to it so I am going to give it another shot for ’15 to start an annual tradition for my family. There are some awesome sales out their on cards, decorations and supplies so knowing my theme or colors is a lot of money saved on the front end vs. Spent in Dec. Plus a profit may be in order!

…old decorations hit a yard sale so a profit may even be in order. Join me this year as we kick off our renovation year .


As I mentioned before I start my days off in scripture. .. where does your treasures live? Stay tuned….. Smith Home.

Ants eating my garden

You work hard planning, sowing seeds, watering andfeeding then something gets to eat before you. Not happening! Some critter nibble some bites but ants are set out to destroy. Im trying to stay in one balanced with nature. I grow an organic garden. I can buy poision food at the market to kill me fast. Not happening. I even put flowers and herbs mixed in this year for a friendly effect. Other bugs are balanced… its ant year!
Need help and advice. Im open for comments and suggestions. I wanna stay organic!

Everyone loves a surprise!

I started planting bulbs and flowers back in the fall and tried to label areas where I planted and also keep a garden map on graph paper, but yesterday I got a big surprise when I saw something red had appeared thru the soil I hav’nt seen in over 2 years since  i planted them. They lived the year I planted them and died back when the fall came but never saw them grow again until now. Oh my,
what a pure treat to see my peonies come to life!  I am a believer for sure that they are very temperamental. I had even planted other plants nearby them for thought they were not growing back. We have gotten alot of rain this season and everything is just growing quite lovely I might add!





Asparagus was not a vegetable I ate as a kid, not because I did not like asparagus, it just wasn’t a choice veg my mom put on the table. Its definitely a classy veg served up with a beautiful top cut steak or a wonderful traunch of fish. I have 2 types of asparagus planted in separate areas of the garden. This is I believe the fourth year of them being in the garden. Im excited to taste this spring’s harvest and even more to plant more this fall.


Time to start some seeds

I started some seeds for spring 2014 garden.  Take a look.


Broad beans on the way. This is my first year to try these beans

Pumkins on the way too. Never grew these as well.



I usually buy corn from nursery ready to plant but this year I wanted to try some other type rather than silver queen so im growing my own in loo rolls.


Tomatoes are a must. I have started 25 different types. My absolutely favorite veg fruit too!


Basil is a must. Basil is the reason I started gardening in the first place. One year I planted basil in my front garden bed and it was simply amazing. I would run out to grab a few leaves for fresh pasta and run back indoors. One time I ran out not thinking my season was over I had none. So I ran to the market to grab a bunch and maybe 8 to 10 leaves cost almost 3.00 dollars.  I lost it. Never again.  A pack of seeds cost less and I can hav more than enough. So basil is a must in my garden!

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